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Wigs Give Confidence and Hope – We all have a haircut gone wrong story. And though we know our self-worth isn’t tied to our appearance, there is a momentary shift in confidence and self-awareness as we wait a few weeks for it to grow out. For some women, however, the “growing out phase” isn’t an option.

wigs give confidence and hope

Whether the motivation is driven by fashion or medical hair loss, finding the right wig not only provides a feeling of comfort and confidence, it can offer a renewed sense of normalcy and hope.

At Wigful Thinking, we understand that shopping for a wig often feels overwhelming, scary, and embarrassing, especially during a troubled time. But, the compassionate care given to every client eases anxiety and worry.

How do we know? Our clients tell us…

“I am feeling like my life has started anew.”
“I was treated with dignity, kindness, and compassion… I feel beautiful, empowered, and can embrace life.”

Clients walk through Wigful Thinking’s doors for a variety of reasons. And although many enter our store with diminished self-esteem, they leave feeling like cherished family.

We know that choosing a new wig doesn’t always change life’s circumstances, but the increased confidence from feeling – and once again looking – like oneself gives an empowering boost to tackle and embrace each new day.

We also know that confidence is the most important thing we wear, and we’re grateful that our wigs are an accessory to this inner beauty.

Coco Channel famously believed that “a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” We’ve heard the same about a woman changing her hair:

“Wigful Thinking changed my life! I have alopecia and, for years, have felt embarrassed going out in public. That all changed when I met Caryl, owner of Wigful Thinking. I now feel confident and in control of my life in the public eye.”

Wigs Give Confidence and Hope

Contact Wigful Thinking at 609.249.4811 with questions or to request your one-hour wig consultation in our design studio today.

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